Sunday 6 May 2012

Catching up...

We've been away for a while so I thought a catch up on what Harley has been up to would be in order. Going back a ways... April 27, Harley took another trip to see his cousin Blackie. We stayed there for three days. Here is Blackie smiling for the camera. 

 Harley has improved a lot with Blackie over the last few months. This visit Harley even earned the priviledge of hanging out in the kitchen outside of his crate, here is the little guy behaving on his mat waiting for some treats.

We even got a picture of the two of them together! Both quietly waiting for a night-time snack before going to bed. I was really proud of Harley, the barking episodes were further apart than the last visit, and we actually got some sleep for the three nights we stayed there. He only started barking when everyone got up in the morning.

Next we set out for a three day visit with cousin Duke. Here are the two of them playing. They got along really well. Harley spent a lot of time playing with Duke and teaching his younger cousin how to play nicely. Again he did really well this time with the barking, and usually would only have 2-3 barking fits per day. Good job Harley.

The first night Duke and Harley went for a walk on the beach together. They really enjoyed their walk; however, they both got full of sand. So the two of them had to take a bath! Here they are playing in the tub at bathtime.

Overall it was a good trip for Harley he was well mannered for most of the trip and he traveled well in the car. When we got back we went to Tiny Dog class (last Wednesday) and he had a pretty good night there too.

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