Saturday 17 March 2012

Agility Class

Well today was a great day for Harley for the most part... me on the other hand... not so much :P It's been a crazy week so we really haven't had much of a chance to work on anything, but he was a good little pooch for the first 45 minutes of class.

We worked on crate games while the others were working, the majority of the time he would lay quietly in his "house" (pop-up x-pen) and we even played "push-back-and-jam" a few times to get him to run into his house. His major concern was when other dogs were running by, other than that we had a well behaved puppy.

We worked on circle work, I think the little man and I need to practice that one... he really is the king of the ass-pass. So we'll have to practice that a bit more.

After that we worked on pivot lead-outs (I think that's what they're called) Harley did pretty good, I think we'll be able to do regular lead-outs sooner rather than later. Cause he didn't sniff nervously after he was released. We then replaced the jump with a tunnel, which was a challenge. Harley could not contain himself in front of the tunnel.  The lead-outs took some practice but eventually he stayed in front of the tunnel. I guess he's a tunnel addict. Never a bad thing. Too bad he didn't have the same drive for a chute.

To wrap up we worked on collection. Took a few tries, but Harley was a pro by the end of it..

Overall, it was a pretty successful class. Maybe next week his "house" will make it all the way into the main area.

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