Saturday 14 April 2012


Well we had an awesome class today!

First we started by working on lead-out-pivots, well Harley's not quite ready for the pivot part, but the lead-outs are getting better. While the other dogs were taking thier turns, Harley chewed on his Kong, this kept him quiet for the most part.

We used the kong as his toy today and saw a little more value for that, so that seemed to keep him going.

He had a lot more drive today which excited me, so now we just need to work on getting him to stay when we do a lead-out.

After that we worked on lead-outs with 3 obstacles, a tire, jump, then a tunnel. He aced that one! We ran along with the tunnel but at least I got him to stay at the tire.

Things to work on.... not going under the tire.... practice more circle work around the tire so that if he jumps the tire without me telling him to, at least I can gather him up before he runs back to me under it.

Lastly we worked on some collection and drive, with race-to-reward, and then running and having him collect and stay back with me.

Overall it was a good class, he got a little rowdy at the end, but it was controllable.

Homework: put a jump in his room when it's feed time, make him do a lead-out with his food before releasing him and letting him have breakfast/supper.

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