Sunday 15 April 2012

Shopping with mom.

Well today it was my day to reward myself. So Harley accompanied me to Lululemon to go shopping for some running gear. He was a perfect little pup on our way there, heeling to me the whole time, EVEN while we walked past three very stupid pigeons. Success!

As we approached Spring Garden Rd. (on of Halifax's busiest streets) he was on his best behavior. He even stayed in a sit for a Sheltie to walk by him we almost made it the whole way without him barking. Progress!

At Lulu he was good for everyone who said hi to him, and I'm very proud that while in line he didn't bark at the children in the store or the two small dogs that came in while we were in the line up. I'm not entirely sure if he saw them, but either way, I consider the walk to be successful.

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